Ministry of infrastructure of Ukraine
Ukrainian State Air Traffic Services Enterprise
Safety. Efficiency. Responsibility
blank Strategy
blank EU Integration
blank Major Projects
14th June 2024
Head of UkSATSE, takes part in the 61st Session of the EUROCONTROL Provisional Council (PC) and Permanent Commission (SN)

5th December 2023
Government approves Financial Plan of UkSATSE for 2024

29th November 2023
European ATM Voluntary Solidarity Fund extended for 2024

3rd November 2023
Andrii Yarmak, Director of UkSATSE, signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with ROMATSA R.A.

15th September 2023
Andrii Yarmak, Head of UkSATSE, took part in a strategic meeting organized by Airports Council International - ACI Europe

The European Union Integration
UkSATSE is a basic institution for the National Air Navigation System (ANS) and provides functioning of the state air navigation service in compliance with the Ukrainian strategic priorities.

The strategic line of Ukrainian ANS development is defined by the Decree of the President of Ukraine "On adoption of the European Union integration strategy" No.615/98 of 11 June 1998 and "The Program of Integration of Ukraine into the European Union", adopted by the Decree of the President of Ukraine No.1072/2000 of 14 September 2000.

On 3 December 1999 Ukraine accessed to European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC), the major aviation forum in Europe, which unites 42 European countries, playing the key role in regional aviation policy development for over 45 years. ECAC acts as a guarantor of the regional co-operation in civil aviation industry effective development.

Becoming a Member State of the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL) on 01 May 2004 was the next important step of Ukraine towards the national ANS development.

EUROCONTROL is an Agency providing the aviation policy development in the Member States. It currently numbers 40 Member States including all European Union States.

EUROCONTROL full membership enables:
  • Enhancement of flight safety level by implementation of international rules and procedures, ANS modernisation, professional skills development and personnel training;
  • Increasing of air traffic flow over Ukraine, providing additional high-level services for users of Ukrainian airspace;
  • Maximum ANS efficiency combined with optimal costs level due to participation of Ukraine in establishment and development of the Single European Air Traffic Management System;
  • Implementation of the Safety Management System, which complies with international standards, in the field of state air navigation industry;
  • Sharing professional experience on international level by means of training and practicing Ukrainian experts at EUROCONTROL Headquarter as well as further transfer of the knowledge obtained and experience gained on the local level;
  • Strengthening the Ukraine image as a state of highly developed aviation meeting the European standards.

Being a EUROCONTROL Member State besides implementation of international ATM regulations grants Ukraine with the opportunity to fulfil its national interest being taken into consideration by EUROCONTROL and other Member States, to became an agent of European Policy regarding establishment of the "Single European Sky" as well as to participate in the pan-European Programs on ATM (EATM, trainings) and financial programs of the European Union related to ATM etc.

In December 2007 were started negotiations on the agreement between EU and Ukraine on the establishment of a common aviation area. The purpose of the agreement is a gradual liberalization of markets, use of common rules based on EU rules in the field of civil aviation, industrial and operational cooperation promotion. The agreement foresees the integration of air transport markets of Ukraine and the EU. It will facilitate more efficient use of this markets, improving the quality of services, development of transit potential of Ukraine, integration of our country into European aviation structures as well as strengthening its aviation authority as a European aviation state.

On the 28th of November, 2013 the initialling of the Agreement on Common Aviation Area (CAA) between Ukraine and the European Union took place in Vilnius (Lithuania). Through this Agreement, European companies will be able to fly without restriction in any airports of Ukraine and Ukrainian carriers – at any airports in Europe. It is expected that an agreement will be signed by the end of 2014.

In addition, UkSATSE representatives actively take part in CANSO activities since its foundation in 1998, including Annual General Meeting (AGM) and meetings of European CANSO CEO Committee (EC3), which defends interests of the European service providers. At the 49th meeting of the Committee (EC3/49), held on 13 November 2012, UkSATSE Director General was nominated as a representative of air navigation service providers from non-EU states to the Eurocontrol Air Navigation Service Board (ANSB) for the period of 2013-2014. At the 55th meeting of the Committee (EC3/55), held on 13 November 2014, Director of European Affairs in CANSO nominated UkSATSE Director Dmytro Babeichuk to present CANSO position on Eurocontrol Air Navigation Service Board meetings (ANSB) as a representative of air navigation service provider from non-EU state.

On the 11th March, 2015 the SOFIAXL Consortium will comprise of INDRA (Spain), Avitech (Germany) – the leading manufacturers of air navigation equipment, and air navigation service providers (ANSPs) of Lithuania (Oro navigacija), Poland (PANSA) and Ukraine (UkSATSE). The goal of the Consortium is to provide CS4-AFUAS System and Service for European ATM in response to the tender on the provision of the centralized service on Flexible Use of Airspace for the EUROCONTROL Member States. The CS4-AFUAS will allow all its users, both civil and military, to maximum efficiently use the European airspace potential as well as reduce infrastructure costs. This will enhance safety and efficiency of flights in the European sky.

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