Medical and Sanitary Unit
Medical and Sanitary Unit (MSU) of Kyivcenteraero Regional Branch is a patient care and prophylactic medical institution within the structure of UkSATSE.
Legal platform:
- ІСАО Manual of Civil Aviation Medicine (Doс 8984);
- Air Code of Ukraine
- "On approval of Rules of medical certification of aviation personnel other than flight crew members", Order of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine dated 27.03.2007 No. 243
- "On approval of Rules of authorizing aeromedical centres to conduct medical certification of aviation personnel", Order of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine dated 30.11.2012 No. 730
- "On approval of Rules of authorizing the aeromedical examiner to conduct medical certification of aviation personnel", Order of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine dated 30.11.2012 No. 731
- "On authorizing the aeromedical examiner to conduct medical certification of aviation personnel", Order of the State Aviation Administration dated 23.02.2016 No. 125
- "On application of the Joint Aviation Requirements JAR-FCL 1, 2, 3, 4 in the civil aviation of Ukraine. Flight Crew Licensing", Order of the State Aviation Administration dated 27.03.2006 No. 223
- "On mandatory preventive drug examination and the procedure for its conduct", Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 06.11.1997 No. 1238
- "On approval of the Procedure for the conduct of the mandatory preliminary and periodic psychiatric examinations and a list of medical psychiatric contraindications to carrying out specific activities (jobs, professions, services) that may pose a direct danger to a person engaged in these activities or to other people", Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 27.09.2000 No. 1465
- Accreditation certificate of "High Category" series МЗ No. 1287 issued by the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine dated 31.07.2018 valid till 09.07.2021
- License of the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine (medical practice) series AE dated 22.01.2015 No. 638140
- Certificate of foundation of Aeromedical Centre (AMC) within the MSU of Kyivcenteraero RB for medical certification of aviation personnel of categories 1, 2 and 3 No. 02/2016 issued by the State Aviation Administration of Ukraine on 30.03.2016 valid till 30.03.2019
- Certificate of attestation of the clinical and bacteriological laboratory No. ПТ-359/14 dated 27.10.2014 valid till 26.10.2019
- Certificate of attestation of the bacteriological section of the clinical and bacteriological laboratory No. ПТ-360/14 dated 27.10.2014 valid till 26.10.2019
Development stages
1960 |
MSU was set up on 25.08.1960 pursuant to the Order of the Commander of the 208th United Aviation Squad of the Ukrainian Territorial Administration of the Civil Air Fleet. Its personnel consisted of 7 people. |
1992 |
MSU housed in a new three-storied building near Strila Area Control Centre. |
1993 |
MSU became part of the State Airlines "Air Ukraine". |
1999 |
Pursuant to the Order of Ukraviatsiia dated 22.03.1999 No. 111, MSU was subordinated to the Ukrainian State Air Traffic Service Enterprise (UkSATSE). |
2006 |
MSU took a number of measures to transfer to the European medical certification rules for aviation personnel (JAR-FCL-3). Medical Flight Commission was reorganized into the Department of Medical Certification of aviation personnel. |
2013 |
Aeromedical Centre (AMC) was founded within the structure of MSU of Kyivcenteraero RB of UkSATSE. A Certificate for medical certification of aviation personnel of categories 1, 2 and 3 dated 29.03.2013 No. 02-2013 was issued by the State Aviation Administration of Ukraine. |
Medical and Sanitary Unit has been providing medical support for the civil aviation personnel for more than 50 years. At present, MSU provides health care to more than 12,000 people who are the employees of UkSATSE, Boryspil International Airport State Enterprise, Ukraine International Airlines and other civil aviation enterprises, as well as the civil aviation pensioners.
Medical care is provided to the personnel of 78 companies and organizations, including health services for contractors through 18 insurance companies. Medical certification for aviation personnel of the civil aviation airlines is performed.
MSU main objectives:
- provision of medical care in the context of flight safety
- medical certification of the personnel of the Joint Civil-Military ATM System of Ukraine
- medical certification of aviation personnel of categories 1, 2 and 3
- provision of ambulatory qualified and specialized medical care
- execution of preventive and anti-epidemic measures
MSU offers the following services:
- consultations of qualified doctors of the following 10 specialities: therapy, surgery, otolaryngology, ophthalmology, neurology, cardiology, dermatovenereology, endocrinology, urology, stomatology
- medical certification of aviation personnel of categories 1, 2 and 3
- medical examination of certain category employees pursuant to the Order of the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine dated 21.05.2007 No. 246
- medical examination of job applicants and university entrants
- medical examination of drivers and candidates to driver positions
- functional examinations (
- ultrasound examinations (
55Kb), endoscopic diagnostics, X-ray (
72Kb), clinical laboratory tests (
50Kb) and bacteriological laboratory tests (
- physical therapy, balneology (
52Kb) and physical exercises therapy
- execution of personal medical record cards (sanitary cards) according to form 1-OMK and hygienic training for the decreed contingent pursuant to the Order of the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine dated 23.07.2002 No. 280
- prophylactic immunization
- provision of departmental laboratory-based control
The following doctors receive patients: physician, surgeon, neurologist, urologist, cardiologist, otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, endocrinologist, dermatologist, gynaecologist and dentist.
There is
a physical therapy office (
58Kb, ukr).
There is also a bacteriological department of the clinicodiagnostic laboratory and epidemiologist.
Sampling hours for medical tests: general tests – from 8.20 to 10.30, bacteriological tests – from 8.20 to 12.00.
Preparation of patients for tests (
76Kb, ukr).
Issuance of test results – till 15.00.
List of modern medical equipment
The clinical laboratory is equipped with the following modern apparatus:
- Celly-70 haematological analyzer (France)
- А-15 automatic biochemical analyzer (Spain)
- DIRUI Н-500 analyzer for urine (China)
The laboratory participates in Seraqual External Quality Assessment Scheme – SEQAS (UK).
The functional diagnostics room is provided with the following equipment:
- ABPM-04 blood pressure monitor (Meditech Ltd, Hungary) enables the automatic blood pressure measurement during the 24-hour period at regular intervals with the determination of the mean values of blood pressure (day, night and 24-hour)
- Toshiba Nemio SSA-550A diagnostic ultrasound system with a set of sensors (linear, convex, microconvex and for TCDS) with colour and pulsed-wave Doppler (Japan) makes it possible to perform ultrasonography of the abdominal cavity, thyroid, breast, pelvic pelvis and, if necessary, to measure blood flow; to perform ultrasonography of heart; and ultrasonography of lower extremities vessels (arteries and veins)
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (endoscopy) room equipment
Since 2012 esophagogastroduodenoscopy has been done in the endoscopy office with the help of Olympus CV-150 endoscopic videosystem with Olympus GIF Q 150 endoscope (Japan).
The endoscopy room is also equipped with the following:
- Numerous accessories for the biological sampling
- Injectors for injection of haemostatic and vasoconstrictive and sclerosing agents during medical endoscopies
- Olympus SSU-2 surgical electric pump which provides the following:
- diagnostic testing (esophagofibroscopy, esophagogastrofibroscopy and esophagogastroduodenofibroscopy)
- endoscopic manipulations (morphological sampling, bacteriological (mycological) sampling, examination with the introduction of medicines (drugs); examination with chromoscopy)
- endoscopic surgery (removal of foreign objects, arrest of gastrointestinal haemorrhage with the use of vascular sclerotherapy and medication infiltration (injection) of paravazal zones)
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (
56Kb, ukr)
Physiotherapy office
Physiotherapy office is a structural subdivision of MSU that provides qualified physiotherapeutic care to UkSATSE employees, airport personnel and other patients.
The physiotherapy office is a specially equipped room which fully meets the operating and safety requirements.
The physiotherapy office is equipped with the following modern health care equipment:
- magnetotherapy – Alimp-1 (Ukraine), Dimap D 2000 (Czech Republic)
- laser therapy – Medyk-2K (Ukraine), Lyka-terapevt (Ukraine)
- electrotherapy – BTL-5000 (Czech Republic)
- treatment of the spinal disorders – BTL-16 (Czech Republic), Unitrend (Ukraine) and Apollo (Germany) treatment and health improvement devices
- hydrotherapy – Astra-1 and Heizer baths (Ukraine)
Medical examinations
Medical examinations of personnel of enterprises regardless of their ownership including personnel of the Ukrainian air transport companies and organizations are conducted pursuant to the Procedure for medical examinations of certain category employees approved by the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine dated 21.05.2007 No. 246 and the Order of the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine "On the organization of mandatory preventive medical examinations of employees of certain occupations, operating environment and organizations that are involved in the public service and whose activity can lead to the spread of infectious diseases" dated 23.07.2002 No. 280.
Agreements with legal entities for medical care and provision of medical services for private persons on a paid basis shall be concluded with Kyivcenteraero Regional Branch of UkSATSE.
Specifics of compulsory medical examinations of employees of enterprises, institutions and organizations in Ukraine (
75Kb, ukr)
Aeromedical Centre
Aeromedical Centre (AMC) was established as part of MSU of Kyivcenteraero of UkSATSE in 2013. Head of AMC - Andriienko Taisiia Volodymyrivna.
Aviation personnel can have at AMC a full examination necessary for medical certification: general and biochemical tests, X-ray, radiography, electrocardiography, cycle ergometer and treadmill tests, abdomen ultrasound, echocardiography, dopplerographic test of blood vessels of head, neck, upper and lower extremities, as well as breast, thyroid and endoscopic examination.
The following aeromedical examiners (AME) work at AMC:
Kaniskin Oleksandr Petrovych who is authorized to perform initial certification (for persons who first receive a medical certificate) and extend the validity of a medical certificate for aviation personnel of categories 1, 2 and 3. Tel.: (+38044) 351 60 74
Andriienko Taisiia Volodymyrivna who is authorized to perform initial certification (for persons who first receive a medical certificate) and extend the validity of a medical certificate for aviation personnel of categories 1, 2 and 3. Tel.: (+38044) 351 60 55
Ardelyanu Ludmyla Vasylivna who is authorized to perform initial certification (for persons who first receive a medical certificate) and extend the validity of a medical certificate for aviation personnel of categories 1, 2 and 3 and flight attendants. Tel.: (+38044) 351 67 27
Balabin Ihor Mykolayovych who is authorized to perform initial certification (for persons who first receive a medical certificate) and extend the validity of a medical certificate for aviation personnel of categories 1, 2 and 3 and flight attendants. Tel.: (+38044) 351 62 43
Business hours of examiner Kaniskin O.P.: 9.00 – 13.00
Business hours of examiner Andriienko Т.V.: 8.20 – 15.15
Business hours of examiners Ardelyanu L.V. and Balabin I.M.: 9.00 – 15.45
Information for aviation personnel
Pursuant to the Instruction of the State Aviation Administration of Ukraine, starting from December 18, 2013,
the medical certification of aviation personnel in Kyiv region is provided at
the Aeromedical Centre of MSU of Kyivcenteraero of UkSATSE (Boryspil, Airport). The above Centre also provides initial medical certification (for persons who first receive a medical certificate according to categories I, II and III) and medical certification in complicated cases.
Contact information:
Address: Airport, Boryspil, Kyiv region, Ukraine, 08300
Tel.: (+380 44) 351 60 74 (chief doctor)
(+380 44) 351 60 55 (head of AMC)
(+380 44) 351 60 60 (reception of the chief doctor)
(+380 44) 351 60 73 (front desk)
Fax: (+380 44) 351 61 61