Ministry of infrastructure of Ukraine
Ukrainian State Air Traffic Services Enterprise
Safety. Efficiency. Responsibility
blank Strategy
blank EU Integration
blank Major Projects
20th August 2024
Director of UkSATSE Andrii YARMAK held working meetings with the management of Swedish LVF and Danish Naviair air navigation service providers

14th June 2024
Head of UkSATSE, takes part in the 61st Session of the EUROCONTROL Provisional Council (PC) and Permanent Commission (SN)

5th December 2023
Government approves Financial Plan of UkSATSE for 2024

29th November 2023
European ATM Voluntary Solidarity Fund extended for 2024

3rd November 2023
Andrii Yarmak, Director of UkSATSE, signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with ROMATSA R.A.

Major Projects
The strategy of the development of the national Air Navigation System is implemented by means of execution of the European Single Sky Implementation Plan (ESSIP).

The national level objectives as for the ESSIP execution are placed in the Local Single Sky Implementation Plan (LSSIP, formally known as LCIP) which is annually developed and updated by the common efforts of experts of the State Aviation Administration of Ukraine and UkSATSE. In the course of execution of the LSSIP, UkSATSE has been implementing projects of the national Air Navigation System upgrading on the self-financing basis.

Air Navigation System Modernization

Environmental and Social Review Summary made by EBRD (29Kb)


Project of modernization of the VHF radio communication equipment for aeronautical telecommunication at the Area Control Centres and Aerodrome Control Towers

Totally 26 centres with radio communication equipment have already been put into operation within the territory of Simferopol, Donetsk, Lviv, Odesa, Boryspil and Kyiv regional branches of UkSATSE.

The operation of these newly equipped centres has become possible due to timely execution of the first stage of the modernization Project.

The receiving and transmitting radio centres were established on the premises of Kharkiv RB, and the backup system was established at Lviv Air Traffic Control Centre. The realization of the second stage of the Project is in progress, which will allow eleven more radio centres to be put into operation.

Project of installation of modern voice communication systems

Installation of modern voice communication systems has been completed at the Air Traffic Control Centres in Boryspil, Kyiv, Kharkiv, Donetsk and Lviv. The new communication system is ready for installation at Odesa RB.

Project of upgrading of video and voice recording devices

The Programme of utilization of the unified video and voice recording devices of the ATC System at the Air Traffic Control Centres at Boryspil, Dnipro, Kharkiv, Odesa and Lviv ACCs was adopted and currently the active phase of its implementation is underway.

Project of creation and development of the backbone telecommunications network of UkSATSE

Along with the completion of implementation of the first and second stages of the backbone telecommunications network, the realization of the third stage has begun.

Navigation and Surveillance

Project of modernization of primary surveillance radars

In the framework of the Project, the modernization of the primary surveillance radars which are the integral parts of TRLK-10 en-route surveillance radar systems has already been completed in Zhytomyr and is near completion in Khodoriv.

Project of enhancement of the on-ground surveillance infrastructure of SSR mode S

Installation of five new Monopulse Second Surveillance Radars with mode S has been completed to enhance on-ground surveillance infrastructure represented by SSR mode S.

Two MSSRs installed at Dnipro and KRYMAERORUKH RBs were upgraded to provide the radar equipment operation in mode S.

Modern aerodrome radars with mode S were installed for Donetsk and Kharkiv TWRs.

Project of installation of multilateration surveillance system (MLAT)

Multilateration surveillance system (MLAT) has been installed to monitor air traffic in control zones (CTR) of Boryspil and Kyiv (Zhuliany) aerodromes and in the surface movement zone of Boryspil aerodrome.

Project of upgrading of air navigation equipment

Six Non-Directional Beacons (NDBs) were put into operation to replace separate compass locators and landing facilities.


Eastern Region Project

Under this Project, new AIRCON-2100 ATC Systems manufactured by INDRA (Spain) were implemented at Donetsk and Kharkiv ACCs. The upgrading of AIRCON-2000 ATC System installed at Dnipro ACC was performed to the level of AIRCON-2100 ATC System.

Project of upgrading of ATC System for Kyiv ATC Centre

The accomplished upgrading of Strila-Alenia Air Traffic Control System manufactured by SELEX (Italy) installed at Kyiv ATC Centre is aimed at the essential enhancement of the System functionality and ensuring of continuous development of control technologies.

Project of implementation of new ATC System for Lviv ATC Centre

In the frame of launching of new ATC Centre at Lviv RB, the installation of Roksolana ATC System manufactured by Aerotechnika-MLT Ltd (Ukraine) is near completion.

Project of enhancement of the Joint Civil-Military ATM System

The implementation of Tsentr Automated Airspace Management System within the Project framework is aimed at automation of the operational processes and procedures on the airspace management and use, granting permissions, development and setting prohibitions and restrictions for the airspace use, provision and improvement of the flexible airspace use, further enhancement of the civil-military coordination and intercommunication between ATS/ASM/ATFM units, preparation for introduction of the dynamic airspace management and simplified coordination procedures, as well as effective use of the automation equipment. In September 2014, the System preliminary acceptance tests commenced.

Project of creation of the Airfield Surface Movement Control System

In order to automate the runway ATS processes in the manoeuvring area and coordination with the respective airport services, the Project of introduction of the hardware and software system for the airfield surface movement control at the airports of Kyiv (Zhuliany), Lviv, Kharkiv, Dnipro and Odesa manufactured by Techvestservice Ltd. (Ukraine) is in the progress.

Project of the improvement of the personnel training system at the Training and Certification Centre (TCC) of UkSATSE

3D-Tower simulators were installed at the Ukrainian Training and Certification Centre (TCC) and Regional Branches of UkSATSE.

The installation of a new ATC system simulator for Kyiv ATC Centre is planned now.

To provide training for TWR air traffic controllers, the TWR-1WP tower simulator with a 180-degree view of the aerodrome traffic manufactured by the Canadian company Adacel Inc. was installed at all RBs.

Along with the above simulator, the TWR-4WP tower simulator with a 360-degree view and 45-degree tower procedure simulator were installed at TCC of UkSATSE to provide training, refresher training, development training and practical skills and knowledge examination of TWR controllers.

In 2013, a radar control simulator used in addition to the available aerodrome control tower simulators with a view of the aerodrome traffic was accepted for operation.

Project of improvement of the professional training for the Ukrainian aviation personnel at the premises of Aviation Training and Certification Center

Completion of adaptation of the training program for aeronautical personnel of civil aviation to the requirements of the Harmonized technical standards of the European Union (in pursuance of the Law of Ukraine "On the National Program of adaptation of the Ukrainian legislation to the EU laws").

Completion of distance education implementation.

Renewal and modernization of the simulation training facilities.

Renewal of the training support facilities.

Meteorological Services

Project of introduction of the Central Meteorological Air Navigation Service System

The Central Meteorological Air Navigation Service System (CMASS) was introduced at the Area Control Centres (ACC). The remote workstations were installed at Briefing Offices.

Automation of UkSATSE management processes

Implementation of the UkSATSE Corporate Management System Project

Based on the SAP software platform, implementation of UkSATSE Corporate Management System Project will allow the business processes concerning the financial and economic activities management to be completely automated and ensure the adequate level of their optimization, efficiency and unification.

Implementation of UkSATSE Telecommunication Network with integrated services

Implementation of UkSATSE Telecommunication Network with integrated services (IP-telephony, video conferencing, etc) and upgrading of the existent structured cable networks along with the local computing networks installed at the UkSATSE regional branches and ATS units will be the ground for creation of the Single Integrated Information Space which will unite all remote UkSATSE branches and units.

The optimization of the corporate information and telecommunication systems management

The optimization of the existent corporate information and telecommunication systems and transition to the applying of the efficient centralized model of the information processing from the single Data Processing Centre will allow administering the information resources (user, computers and services accounts, etc.) on a new level.

Information Security

The creation of the Information Security Management System and the Integrated Systems of Information Protection will ensure the information resources protection in full compliance with the requirements of ISO27001 international standards and current legislation.

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